Rabat Day Trip

At dawn, the adventure began with the friendly English-speaking driver, picking up travelers in a comfortable private car. Leaving Fez, the journey through Morocco's picturesque countryside was a delight, with rolling hills and lush fields. Hassan shared fascinating stories about the region, making the drive both enjoyable and informative.

Arriving in Rabat, the first stop will be the charming Kasbah of the Udayas, with its narrow streets and stunning ocean views. Next, the majestic Hassan Tower and the Mausoleum of Mohammed V showcased the city's rich history and architectural beauty. The Royal Palace, although viewed from the outside, impressed with its grand gates and gardens. A traditional Moroccan lunch of tagine and couscous provided a delicious midday break.
The afternoon featured a visit to the ancient Roman ruins of Chellah, where storks nested atop ancient columns. A serene stroll along the Bouregreg River, with the sun setting over the water, was the perfect end to the day. Reflecting on the vibrant beauty and rich experiences of Rabat, the drive back to Fez relaxed and filled with contentment.